The following is a list of THE most toxic foods out there... avoid these like the plague!! Read over labels with a critical eye, or, even better... buy foods WITHOUT labels.
- Avoid frozen meals, anything with flavour packets, chips, snacks, and store bought soups – they are PACKED with MSG and many other terrible toxins.
- Alternatives: buy natural options (make sure you read ingredients!), or make your own spice mixes and food flavorings.
- These are loaded with antibiotics, growth hormones, and vaccines and processed in extreme high heats; denaturing the proteins - BAD!
- Alternatives: If you are going to consume dairy, ensure that you purchase organic, unpastuerized, non-homogenized, RAW milk in its purest form. For another tasty option, try almond milk or coconut milk.
- Genetically modified products are unrecognizable to the body and are extra toxic because they are heavily sprayed with pesticides! Beware of soy, cotton, canola and corn as they are the most common genetically modified sources.
- Alternatives: Stay away!!
- Man-made, chemically altered, un-natural junk! Not only is it full of excitotoxins that over-excite the brain cells and cause death, but it’s also makes you hungrier so that you want to eat more.
- Alternatives: Stevia sweetened natural “pop”, sparkling water, green tea. Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming recipes for yummy lemonade, and other thirst-quenching beverages!
- Man-made poison! Added colors and chemicals toxify the body and all cells causing inflammation. STAY AWAY. Don't fall for "heart-healthy" advertising!
- Alternative: Use butter, olive oil and healthy fats! Remember- butter is NOT bad!
- HUGE toxic load! Many of these chemicals have barely been studied (or not studied at all!) and are known to cause neurological damage.
- Alternative: Follow the ‘Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen’ guide for buying produce.
- The grains used in these breads are highly sprayed and stripped of anything nutritious, they’re also full of sugar and turn into sugar as soon as ingest.
- Alternative: Look for sprouted, whole grain, and stone-ground, or better yet, don't eat bread at all.
- Poor quality, loaded with MSG, preservatives and additives, as well as nitrates which have been linked to many types of cancer – there is NO nutritional value in these meats!
- Alternative: Buy organic, grass-fed meats from a local farmer or the health food store.
- SUGAR! Also full of toxic food dyes and artificial chemicals
- Alternative: kick the candy! Get your sweetness from berries or make some yummy sweet treats using stevia (recipes to come!)
and the number one MOST toxic food is...
- Full of MSG, bad fats, artificial colors and flavors, and high-fructose corn syrup!
- Alternative: make your own. Use olive oil or hemp oil mixed with lemon juice or vinegar; add your own mix of herbs and spices.
Now that we have identified the bad stuff, check out all the good stuff! Keep your pantry stocked with these SUPER FOODS:
Look for coconut oil, coconut butter, coconut flakes, coconut vinegar and for a grain-free flour option, try coconut flour! (The list goes on!) This is THE healthiest oil on the planet and one of the most potent super foods there is!
Olive Oil
Look for Extra Virgin and Cold-Pressed. Buy the good quality stuff to make your own homemade delicious salad dressings.
Packed with 20 essential nutrients including fiber, potassium, Vitamin E, and also acts as a “nutrient booster” by enabling the body to absorb more fat-soluble nutrients.
Extremely nutritious, but beware because greens/lettuces are among the most highly sprayed, so make sure to buy organic!
Grass Fed Meat
Avoid grain fed meat for the most healthy and nutritious meat possible. And don’t consume something that’s already consumed toxins (ie. Hormones and antibiotics)!
Wild Cut Fish
Avoid farmed fish and lots of canned fish.
Packed with incredible amounts of vitamins, nutrients, and fiber. It’s also loaded with carotenoids- antioxidants that are known to help with weight loss.
A great source of protein and healthy fats! Be sure to buy raw nuts (can be found in the refrigerated section at the health food store), as the high heat from the roasting process causes the natural nut oils to go rancid.
Hello, antioxidants! Use fresh berries on salads, as snacks, and use frozen berries with some almond milk as a great breakfast smoothie.
Free-range Eggs
Look for eggs that are as naturally raised as possible and are organic and cage-free. Also check to see what kind of chicken feed is used.